A collection of medical and other links I find useful as well as sharing my thoughts.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Malaria: MedlinePlus
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Musculoskeletal Cancer Surgery, New Trends in Coloproctology, The Abbreviated Guide to Medical Management of HIV Infection, Braunwald Atlas of Heart Diseases, British National Formulary - BNF, Atlas of Diseases of the Kidney, Handbook of Contrast Echocardiography, Cancer Medicine, Atlas of Genetics and Cytogenetics in Oncology and Haematology, Cardiac Surgery in the Adult, Lab Tests Online,
Microbiology, Virology, Immunology, Bacteriology, Parasitology, Mycology Onlin, The Virtual Anesthesia Textbook , to name a few. More than 550 books available online!
Medical Student/Medical School
HHS News Release: WHO Declares End to 2009 H1N1 Influenza Pandemic
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Monday, July 05, 2010
Sanofi-aventis' India SITE Study Shows 62% of Diabetic Population in New Delhi ... - Express Healthcare (blog)
Sanofi-aventis' India SITE Study Shows 62% of Diabetic Population in New Delhi ... Express Healthcare (blog) Aventis Pharma Limited (sanofi-aventis Group) announced the New Delhi results of the SITE (Screening India's Twin Epidemic) study. ... and more » |
WHO Director-General’s letter to BMJ editors
Friday, May 28, 2010
Patient Power!
March 24, 2000 -- THE Internet has given rise to an empowered and better-informed citizenry and never more so is this apparent as in a subject as personal and affecting as healthcare.
By all accounts, the proliferation of medical Web sites has enhanced the patient-doctor relationship. The ill and their families are more prepared, and have greater understanding of the issues involved, while the medical community can reach out in ways never before possible."
Atmedica - News
Ramiya S.
Source: Medical Tribune
Publisher: MediMedia
MALAYSIA — Doctors should employ the same strategy as their patients and update their medical knowledge using the Internet; before their patients catch them unprepared, says Dr Muruga Vadivale, medical director, Aventis Farma."
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Factors influencing the uptake of 2009 H1N1 influenza vaccine in a multiethnic Asian population.
Factors influencing the uptake of 2009 H1N1 influenza vaccine in a multiethnic Asian population.
Vaccine. 2010 May 5;
Authors: Wong LP, Sam IC
The study aimed to determine factors influencing the uptake of 2009 H1N1 influenza vaccine in a multiethnic Asian population. Population-based, cross-sectional survey was conducted between October and December 2009. Approximately 70% of overall participants indicated willingness to be vaccinated against the 2009 H1N1 influenza. Participants who indicated positive intention to vaccinate against 2009 H1N1 influenza were more likely to have favorable attitudes toward the 2009 H1N1 vaccine. A halal (acceptable to Muslims) vaccine was the main factor that determined Malay participants' decision to accept vaccination, whereas safety of the vaccine was the main factor that influenced vaccination decision for Chinese and Indian participants. The study highlights the challenges in promoting the 2009 H1N1 vaccine. Ethnic-sensitive efforts are needed to maximize acceptance of H1N1 vaccines in countries with diverse ethnic communities and religious practices.
PMID: 20451639 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
"Pandemic influenza (H1N1) 2009 is associated with severe disease in India.
Related Articles |
Pandemic influenza (H1N1) 2009 is associated with severe disease in India.
PLoS One. 2010;5(5):e10540
Authors: Mishra AC, Chadha MS, Choudhary ML, Potdar VA
BACKGROUND: Pandemic influenza A (H1N1) 2009 has posed a serious public health challenge world-wide. In absence of reliable information on severity of the disease, the nations are unable to decide on the appropriate response against this disease. METHODS: Based on the results of laboratory investigations, attendance in outpatient department, hospital admissions and mortality from the cases of influenza like illness from 1 August to 31 October 2009 in Pune urban agglomeration, risk of hospitalization and case fatality ratio were assessed to determine the severity of pandemic H1N1 and seasonal influenza-A infections. RESULTS: Prevalence of pandemic H1N1 as well as seasonal-A cases were high in Pune urban agglomeration during the study period. The cases positive for pandemic H1N1 virus had significantly higher risk of hospitalization than those positive for seasonal influenza-A viruses (OR: 1.7). Of 93 influenza related deaths, 57 and 8 deaths from Pune (urban) and 27 and 1 death from Pune (rural) were from pandemic H1N1 positive and seasonal-A positive cases respectively. The case fatality ratio 0.86% for pandemic H1N1 was significantly higher than that of seasonal-A (0.13%) and it was in category 3 of the pandemic severity index of CDC, USA. The data on the cumulative fatality of rural and urban Pune revealed that with time the epidemic is spreading to rural areas. CONCLUSIONS: The severity of the H1N1 influenza pandemic is less than that reported for 'Spanish flu 1918' but higher than other pandemics of the 20(th) century. Thus, pandemic influenza should be considered as serious health threat and unprecedented global response seems justified.
PMID: 20479875 [PubMed - in process]
"Saturday, May 22, 2010
M Vadivale, T C Tan, C N OngABSTRACTDental employees in government institutions in a State in Peninsular Malaysia were screened for exposure to hepatitis B virus (HBV)in 1989. Almost all (96.8%) of the 217 employees responded. One quarter (24.8%) was positive for at ¡east one serological markersto HBV; 2.4% had hepatitis B surface antigen (IlBsAg) and 22.4% had anti-body to IIBsAg (anti-HBs). The presence ofHBsAg wasunrelated to age, sex, ethnicity, geographical locality and occupations of the subjects. The prevalence ofanti-HBs increased with ageand was highest for ethnic Chinese (53.6%), followed by Indians (25%), compared to Malays (14.9%) (p<0.001) and were increasedamong dentists (53.1%) and assistant nurses (33.3%). The overall prevalence of HBsAg and anti-HBs were similar to the situationin the community. However, dentists and their chairside assistant nurses, with a higher proportion of Chinese, had higher anti-HBsprevalences compared with that of the general population."
Prevalence of Hepatitis B Surface Antigen and Antibody among Health Care Employees in Negri Sembilan, Malaysia, 1989 -- Tan et al. 6 (3): 134 -- Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health
M Vadivale, MBBS, MSc (OM) Ministry of Health, Malaysia;
CN Ong, PhD Department of Community, Occupational & Family Medicine National University of Singapore.
This study was based on a hepatitis B screening program conducted in one of the states in Malaysia in 1989.
Click on above for abstract.
Optimal cut-off levels to define obesity: body mass index and waist circumference, and their relationship to cardiovascular disease, dyslipidaemia, hypertension and diabetes in Malaysia
MOHD ZAHER Zaki Morad ; ZAMBARI Robayaah ; SIEW PHENG Chan ; MURUGA Vadivale ; NG Bernard ; APPANNAH Geeta ; LIM TECK ONN ;
Résumé / Abstract
Many studies in Asia have demonstrated that Asian populations may require lower cut-off levels for body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference to define obesity and abdominal obesity respectively, compared to western populations. Optimal cut-off levels for body mass index and waist circumference were determined to assess the relationship between the two anthropometric- and cardiovascular indices."
Click on above for abstract.
62% of diabetics in New Delhi has ‘uncontrolled’ diabetes: Sanofi-aventis
Study also reveals prevalence of ‘uncontrolled’ lipid levels (dyslipidemia) is much higher in New Delhi at 50% compared to 18% in Maharshtra
Aventis Pharma Limited (sanofi-aventis Group) today announced the New Delhi results of the SITE (Screening India’sTwin Epidemic) study. The New Delhi results follow the Maharashtra results announcement in November 2009. The results of other States covered in the SITE study will be shared over the next few months.
SITE is the first cross-sectional study to assess the prevalence of diagnosed and undiagnosed cases of diabetes and hypertension amongst nearly 20,000 patients visiting General Practitioners and Consultant Physicians across major cities all over India. The SITE study has been commissioned by sanofi-aventis in order to quantify and increase awareness of diabetes and hypertension becoming twin epidemics in India."
Click on Link above for full article.
Sanofi-aventis' India SITE study shows 62% of diabetic population in New Delhi has 'uncontrolled' diabetes - World PRwire's blog
Aventis Pharma Limited (sanofi-aventis Group) today announced the New Delhi results of the SITE (Screening India's Twin Epidemic) study. The New Delhi results follow the Maharashtra results announcement in November 2009. The results of other States covered in the SITE study will be shared over the next few months. SITE is the first cross-sectional study to assess the prevalence of diagnosed and undiagnosed cases of diabetes and hypertension amongst nearly 20,000 patients visiting General Practitioners and Consultant Physicians across major cities all over India. The SITE study has been commissioned by sanofi-aventis in order to quantify and increase awareness of diabetes and hypertension becoming twin epidemics in India. Key findings of the SITE study among those surveyed in New Delhi are as follows: 21% suffer from both diabetes and hypertension (leading to a possible twin epidemic)" Click on link above for full article.
The Hindu : New Delhi News : “Diabetes, hypertension becoming twin epidemics of Delhi”
Staff Reporter
NEW DELHI: Sixty-two per cent of diabetics in the Capital have inadequately controlled blood sugar levels despite treatment while another 27 per cent have kidney complications. In addition, 65 per cent of the diabetic patients are hypertensive. This has been revealed in a recent study by Aventis Pharma Limited (Sanofi-aventis Group) as part of its “Screening India's Twin Epidemic” project.
The study was aimed at increasing awareness about diabetes and hypertension which are becoming the twin epidemics of the Capital. Dr. Ambrish Mithal, who was part of the study, said: “The data is important because we now know that there are many cases of undiagnosed and uncontrolled diabetes and hypertension. Clearly there is a strong need for early screening of these diseases. Click on link above for full article.
Sanofi-aventis' India SITE study shows 62% of diabetic population in New Delhi has 'uncontrolled' diabetes
Study also reveals prevalence of 'uncontrolled' lipid levels (dyslipidemia)is much higher in New Delhi at 50% compared to 18% in Maharshtra Gurgaon, Haryana, May 12, 2010 /India PRwire/ -- Aventis Pharma Limited (sanofi-aventis Group) today announced the New Delhi results of the SITE (Screening India's Twin Epidemic) study. The New Delhi results follow the Maharashtra results announcement in November 2009. The results of other States covered in the SITE study will be shared over the next few months.
SITE is the first cross-sectional study to assess the prevalence of diagnosed and undiagnosed cases of diabetes and hypertension amongst nearly 20,000 patients visiting General Practitioners and Consultant Physicians across major cities all over India. The SITE study has been commissioned by sanofi-aventis in order to quantify and increase awareness of diabetes and hypertension becoming twin epidemics in India" Click on link above for full article.
Study for Diabetes & Hypertension Prevalence Launched - Express Healthcare
India's largest study to estimate diabetes and hypertension prevalence amongst outpatients across 10 states
Aventis Pharma Limited (Group sanofi-aventis) recently announced the launch of Screening India's Twin Epidemic (SITE), a cross-sectional study that aims to estimate the prevalence of diagnosed and undiagnosed cases of diabetes and hypertension in outpatient settings in major cities across India. The study will involve 1,000 general practitioners including consultant physicians and over 20,000 patients from 10 states, namely Maharashtra, New Delhi, West Bengal, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh; making it one of the largest study of its kind in India. The study was commissioned by sanofi-aventis with the aim of quantifying and increasing awareness amongst medical professionals and patients on the lurking likelihood of a twin epidemic of diabetes and hypertension."
Click on link above for full article.
Sanofi-aventis India announces the launch of SITE (Screening India’s Twin Epidemic)-
India’s largest study to estimate Diabetes and Hypertension prevalence amongst outpatients across 10 States
It is well-known that India is rapidly becoming the diabetes capital of the world. But how many of us realize that diabetes and hypertension are together becoming a Twin Epidemic in India?
Online PR News – 23-November-2009 –"
Click on link above for full article.
SITE Study - Delhi
India’s largest study to estimate Diabetes and Hypertension prevalence amongst outpatients across 10 States" - Delhi
SITE Study - Launch Maharashtra
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
The Social Landscape