A collection of medical and other links I find useful as well as sharing my thoughts.
Sunday, July 31, 2011
iPhone add-on could mean end of finger pricking for diabetics - FierceMobileHealthcare#.Ti9a7U6iLSo.facebook#.Ti9a7U6iLSo.facebook
Sunday, July 24, 2011
27 Club - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Friday, July 22, 2011
Saturday, July 09, 2011
Mississippi most obese state, Colorado least | Reuters
By that measure, Mississippi is the fattest state in the union with an adult obesity rate of 34.4 percent. Colorado is the least obese -- with a rate of 19.8 percent -- and the only state with an adult obesity rate below 20 percent, according to 'F as in Fat,' an annual report from the Trust for America's Health and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation."...........
Friday, July 08, 2011
Joint Statement by Global BERSIH 2.0 on 8 July 2011
Joint Statement by Global BERSIH 2.0 on 8 July 2011,
with updated list of BERSIH hotspots around the world
The BERSIH 2.0 Global Solidarity Network strongly supports the BERSIH 2.0 rally for Clean and Fair Elections in Malaysia on the 9th of July 2011.
We urge all Malaysians abroad to unite in solidarity with our Malaysian brothers and sisters at home by joining BERSIH 2.0 walks and other events in cities across the world (see below for complete list). Malaysians have the constitutional right to peaceful assembly and freedom of speech in keeping with international human rights norms.
As citizens, we demand free and fair elections, which provide the foundation a better, more democratic Malaysia. We support BERSIH 2.0’s eight points of electoral reform and call in addition for a ninth: suffrage for Malaysians residing abroad.
We, ordinary Malaysian citizens around the world, are supporting BERSIH 2.0 because we can and because we should. We believe that the future of Malaysia belongs to all our children and that together we can ensure that the legacy we leave them is a beautiful and just one. We are speaking out because we live in open democracies where the freedoms of speech and of peaceful assembly and the right to demonstrate are the norm rather than the exception.
As is the case with the rally in Kuala Lumpur, we intend to gather peacefully and with dignity, and we shall do so without fear of water cannon, tear gas, police intimidation and brutality, or arbitrary arrest for dressing in yellow. Wherever we may be, we shall be wearing yellow T-shirts and carrying yellow banners, balloons and placards with peaceful slogans in support of clean and fair elections in Malaysia. We shall be bringing our family members both young and old.
Together with Malaysians all over the world, we urge the Najib government to support electoral reform. Clean and fair elections are essential to developing a mature and open democracy, and to safeguard the integrity of our nation for future generations.
We call on the Prime Minister to respect DYMM Seri Paduka Baginda Yang Di-Pertuan Agong’s advice to His Majesty’s government to ‘show prudence and fairness in carrying out the duties entrusted to it by the Malaysian people’. We also urge the federal government and the Inspector-General of Police to follow this advice by releasing all those detained in connection with BERSIH 2.0, and stop the ongoing, systematic harassment of BERSIH 2.0 supporters.
It is not too late for the Prime Minister to fulfil his duties and responsibilities in a manner that becomes his office and to allow this gathering to proceed peacefully in recognition of the will of the people. With the proper cooperation of all government agencies, we are confident the gathering will be nothing more and nothing less than a peaceful expression of a just and legitimate cause.
The eyes of the world are now on the Prime Minister and his government, in this pivotal moment that will surely define his legacy in the eyes of Malaysians as well as citizens and governments the world over. We urge him to rise to the occasion.
Press contact:
Temme Lee, temmelee@bersih.org, +6016 489 8224
Ginie Lim, ginielim@gmail.com, +44 586 083 488
2pm, July 9th, Stadium MERDEKA: Malaysia’s moment of truth
Malaysians from all walks of life have travelled a very long road to reach this defining point in our nation’s history. With less than 24 hours to our intended peaceful gathering, our resolve to walk the last, most difficult mile as one united people in pursuit of clean and fair elections and a better Malaysia for all is firmer than ever.
Our reason for gathering is pure and simple – to demand the electoral roll be cleaned, that the postal voting system be reformed, that indelible ink be used, a minimum 21 day campaign period be instated, free and fair access to media for all be provided, public institutions be strengthened, and for corruption as well as dirty politics to be stopped.
The authorities have put obstacle after obstacle where they only needed to provide sincere cooperation to win the trust and confidence of the people. Having faced half hearted offers of stadiums, arrogance regarding meetings as well as denials of permits, arrests, detentions and so much more, we feel that we have done all that is humanly possible to demonstrate sincerity and good faith in dealing with the government – but we have only been met with reversed decisions and stone walls.
There are no walls however, that will arrest the advance of the cause of peace and justice. Come the 9th of July, we will uphold our constitutional right to converge peacefully on Stadium Merdeka in Kuala Lumpur.
No government agency has any right whatsoever to prevent Malaysians from exercising their freedom of movement and access to our capital city. No threat or intimidation can overturn this fundamental truth.
Malaysians have now seen for themselves the degree of paranoia and lack of principled leadership that seems to have gripped the government. It is thus all the more imperative that patriotic Malaysians rise now and take this stand together to save Malaysia from slipping further into this insane darkness.
Since the beginning of Bersih 2.0, we have witnessed nothing but the utmost bravery and commitment to peace and justice demonstrated by ordinary Malaysians from every walk of life. Inspired by this example, the Bersih 2.0 leadership reiterates our own unyielding commitment to our shared cause, and to being at Stadium Merdeka at 2pm tomorrow. We will meet at the carpark, and trust that the doors will be opened for us.
This is Malaysia’s single most important defining moment in recent history, and we are fully confident that the rakyat will heed the call to safeguard the principles Malaysia was founded on and together ensure that we pass down to our children a nation that is just, democratic and united in love for one another.
Released by,
Steering Committee
Coalition for Clean and Fair Elections (BERSIH 2.0)
The Steering Committee of BERSIH 2.0 comprises:
Dato’ Ambiga Sreenevasan (Chairperson), Andrew Khoo, Arul Prakkash, Arumugam K., Dr Farouk Musa, Haris Ibrahim, Liau Kok Fah, Maria Chin Abdullah, Richard Y W Yeoh, Dr Subramaniam Pillay, Dato’ Dr Toh Kin Woon, Dr Wong Chin Huat, Dato’ Yeo Yang Poh dan Zaid Kamaruddin.
"FDA drug approvals at a 20-year high | FirstWord Pharma
July 7th, 2011
By: Anna Bratulic
Tags: BayerBenlystaBMSFDAGSKHGSJ&JMerck & Co.United StatesVertexVioxxXareltoYervoy
PrintJanet Woodcock, director of the FDA's Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, testified Thursday before the US House Energy and Commerce's health subcommittee that first-cycle drug approvals are at a 20-year high and that more than two-thirds of new treatments are being cleared within the time frames given to new drug applications. The director also noted the agency approved 20 compounds so far this year, one less than the total for all of 2010, and that the FDA meets more than 90 percent of drug-review deadlines.
At the hearing, Woodcock fielded questions regarding the regulatory process at the FDA, which some lawmakers suggested 'has become less transparent and [has] increased the time it takes for products to reach those who need them.' However, she proposed that challenges being faced by the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries are related to high failure rates of drugs in development rather than the FDA's regulations.
OncoMed Pharmaceuticals CEO Paul Hastings, who also testified at the hearing, said 'regulatory uncertainty, longer drug development timelines, and an increasing regulatory and Congressional focus on risk instead of reward in pharmaceutical innovation, deters limited partners from investing in biotech venture capital firms and subsequently deters venture capitalists from investing in biotechnology discovery companies.'"
FDA restricts use of simvastatin 80 mg
FDA restricts use of simvastatin 80 mg
June 8, 2011
Michael O'Riordan
Silver Spring, MD - The Food and Drug Administration is recommending that physicians restrict prescribing high-dose simvastatin (Zocor, Merck) to patients, given an increased risk of muscle damage [1]. The new FDA drug safety communication, issued today, states that physicians should limit using the 80-mg dose unless the patient has already been taking the drug for 12 months and there is no evidence of myopathy.
"Simvastatin 80 mg should not be started in new patients, including patients already taking lower doses of the drug," the agency states.
In addition, the FDA is requesting that additional changes be made to the drug's label. The label will be changed to include the new dosing recommendations, as well as warnings not to use the drug with various medications, including itraconazole (Sporanox, Jannsen Pharmaceutica), ketoconazole (Nizoral by Ortho-McNeil Pharmaceutical), posaconazole (Noxafil, Merck), erythromycin, clarithromycin, telithromycin (Ketek, Sanofi-Aventis), HIV protease inhibitors, nefazodone, gemfibrozil, cyclosporine, and danazol.
In addition, the 10-mg dose should not be exceeded in patients taking amiodarone, verapamil, and diltiazem, and the 20-mg dose should not be exceeded with amlodipine (Norvasc, Pfizer) and ranolazine (Ranexa, Gilead).
The changes to the label are based on the Study of the Effectiveness of Additional Reductions in Cholesterol and Homocysteine (SEARCH), a study reported by heartwire. In that trial, 52 patients taking the 80-mg dose developed myopathy compared with one patient treated with the 20-mg dose. In addition, 22 patients treated with the high dose of simvastatin developed rhabdomyolysis compared with none treated with the 20-mg dose.
The FDA notes that the risks of myopathy and rhabdomyolysis were highest in the first year and that older age and female sex increased the risks.
In statement released today following the FDA alert [2], Merck notes that it has launched a new information website and is encouraging patients who think the prescribing changes might affect them to speak with their doctors.
Dr Steven Nissen (Cleveland Clinic, OH), who wrote an editorial accompanying the 2004 publication of the A to Z trial, a study that tested high-dose simvastatin in acute coronary syndrome patients, who was critical of the high rate of myopathy in that study, called the FDA decision "appropriate" but said it comes late.
"Most knowledgeable lipid experts stopped administering the 80-mg dosage of simvastatin years ago," he said in an email to heartwire. "Unfortunately, once again the FDA has been too slow to react to a serious drug safety problem. We currently have more than two million Americans taking an unsafe dosage of simvastatin when there are safer alternatives. I'm glad the FDA acted but wish they hadn't taken so long."
New study shows aspirin helps prevent diabetes reoccurrence
The study, carried out at the University of Alberta, investigated the properties of aspirin in its use as a preventative measure for cardiovascular disease, as well as the reoccurrence in patients with type 2 diabetes. It involved analysing information from clinical trials, to assess if taking aspirin as a course of treatment would be able to prevent a first or recurrent heart attack or stroke .
It was shown that patients who had previously experienced a cardiac episode and who also took a low dose of aspirin every day received very little benefit with regards to preventing a second heart attack or a lowering the risk of mortality. For those people who took a higher dose of aspirin every day, on the other hand, the chances of a repeat heart attack and/or death was seen to be much reduced.
Researcher Scot Simpson commented "We took all of the data from 21 studies and focused specifically on diabetic patients who had suffered a previous heart attack or stroke to measure the ability of aspirin to prevent a second event."
He added "We found that, if those patients took up to 325 milligrams of aspirin per day, they had a 23 percent lower risk of death."
Alcohol Makes Weight Loss More Difficult
ATLANTA, Ga. - People who are struggling to lose weight even while watching what they eat may need to look carefully at what they drink. One doctor blames difficulty losing weight on a habit he calls “eating under the influence”.
Studies have shown that alcohol can make you feel hungry, even when you’re not. Experts also say that drinking alcohol can make people crave carbohydrates.
Weight loss expert Dr. Howard Shapiro says, "Eating under the influence means you have a couple of drinks and you have too many and all of a sudden your blood sugar is down, you get hungry and you grab the first thing you can find. It’s usually fast food, high calorie food.
In addition to that effect, alcohol is high in calories. Two glasses of wine adds up to about 300 calories. Drinking that much six nights a week can add up to two pounds of weight gain in a month.
Finally, drinking alcohol can make it more difficult to burn up the calories you take in. Alcohol slows the body’s process for metabolizing fat and carbohydrates. It also can prevent the body from taking in vitamins and nutrients.
Dr. Shapiro advises people who are trying to lose weight to give up alcohol for a week or two. He says they may find that doing so makes it easier for them to shed the pounds.
Thursday, July 07, 2011
Support Bersih in its moment of need
I would like to thank all Bersih supporters for your kind outpouring of support thus far. Bersih 2.0 has come a long way in carrying the aspirations of the rakyat for clean and fair elections, and it is the rakyat themselves above all who have made this possible.
We have faced massive obstacles, vilification and oppression, but inspired by the bravery of the Malaysian people, managed to overcome them all thus far.
Like many other Steering Committee members, it has been challenging personally to face threats of murder, gang rape and various other violence directed against myself and others. Nonetheless, we understand our responsibility in holding the line on behalf of all of you who want nothing more than a clean electoral system and a better Malaysia.
Malaysians both at home and abroad have already been called to make so many sacrifices, so while we do not aspire to add to your burdens, we are writing this in the hopes that you can spare some support.
The cost of our campaign increases every day, complicated by constant harassment by the authorities. In addition to our operational expenses listed below that are necessary to organising our gathering successfully in a peaceful and secure environment, we find ourselves having to raise money to bail staff at the secretariat of Bersih 2.0 that have been unjustly arrested and are now facing charges that make no sense whatsoever. Having key staff detained will cripple our operations in devastating ways.
Activity | Unit | TOTAL (RM) |
General Campaign | ||
10 ‘road shows’ around the country | RM2000 x 10 road shows | 20,000 |
Publicity Materials | ||
Brochures of Bersih 2.0 Demands (100,000 copies in 3 languages) | 100000 brochures x RM0.25 | 25,000 |
Banners for publicity and ‘road shows’ (3 languages) | 200,000 banners x RM0.03 | 6,000 |
Pickets | 100 pickets x RM60 | 6,000 |
Purchase of communications devices for use during rally | 100 items x RM200 | 20,000 |
Safety/security allowance | 3000 volunteers x RM10 | 30,000 |
T-shirts (5000 pieces) | 5000 T-shirts x RM9.00 | 45,000 |
Total | 152,000.00 |
Kegiatan | Unit | JUMLAH (RM) |
Kempen Keliling | ||
10 ‘road shows’ di merata negeri | RM2000 x 10 road shows | 20,000 |
Bahan Publisiti | ||
Risalah Tuntutan Bersih 2.0 (100,000 naskhah dalam 3 bahasa) | 100000 risalah x RM0.25 | 25,000 |
Selebaran untuk publisiti dan ‘road shows’ (3 bahasa) | 200,000 selebaran x RM0.03 | 6,000 |
Sepanduk | 100 sepanduk x RM60 | 6,000 |
Pembelian peralatan komunikasi untuk kegunaan dalam perarakan | 100 buah x RM200 | 20,000 |
Elauan keselamatan | 3000 orang x RM10 | 30,000 |
Baju kemeja T (5000 helai) | 5000 kemeja T x RM9.00 | 45,000 |
Jumlah | 152,000.00 |
In light of these challenges, whatever you can spare to aid our efforts will lift our spirits in ways you cannot imagine.
Thank you for your kind consideration, and we look forward to feeling your presence on July 9th one way or another.
Yours sincerely,
Dato’ Ambiga Sreenevasan
Chair, BERSIH 2.0 Steering Committee
Fund Transfer
Account No: 507 246 118 995
Account Name: Aliran
Bank: Malayan Banking Berhad
Aliran has kindly agreed to collect donation payments on behalf of BERSIH 2.0. Please indicate that your donation is for Bersih, and email a copy of the transaction details to donations@bersih.org. Thank you!
Online Payment
You are making an online donation via Paypal to Bersih 2.0. Your donation payment is directed to “donations@bersih.org“, which has been verified and accepted by Paypal. However, due to constraints and circumstances in Malaysia currently, we have to rely on the help of trusted volunteers who readily agree to collect payments on behalf of Bersih 2.0. Therefore, please do not be alarmed if you see individuals’ name appearing in the acknowledgement email on your donation.
Amount |
Remark |

Reports of suspension of key services ahead of July 9th
Bersih 2.0 urges the Federal Government not to suspend multiple public services this weekend in a futile attempt to stop the BERSIH 2.0 Rally at Merdeka Stadium.
BERSIH 2.0 is alarmed by intelligence that there might be a full or partial clampdown on the internet as we approach this weekend.
BERSIH 2.0 warns the Federal Government that should access to the mobile phone networks, the internet, mobile 3G services, specific websites or social media be compromised in any way whatsoever, then the authorities will look absolutely no different from the Middle Eastern dictators who have used the same measures with no success whatsoever.
BERSIH 2.0 urges members of the public who want to join the historical July 9 rally to enter the city centre by today or tomorrow morning as intelligence suggests that public transport will be shut down, either partially or fully on Friday and/or Saturday. Observing the shocking fact that bus permits to Kuala Lumpur have already been frozen, plans seem to be well in place to make entering Kuala Lumpur on the 9th of July to as difficult as humanly possible.
Bersih 2.0 reiterates in on no uncertain terms that any repression, intimidation and obstacles will not for an instant dilute our resolve to gather peacefully at Stadium Merdeka at 2pm on the 9th of July 2011, after which we will disperse just as peacefully.
Should any of the above repressive measures come into effect, Malaysians and the international community will witness for themselves the desperate and unwarranted extremes to which the government is willing to go to prevent clean and fair elections.
The government will also be unequivocally and fully responsible for the loss of business, the loss of confidence within the investment community, and the complete loss of goodwill towards Malaysia’s political and commercial standing.
Released by
Steering Committee
Coalition for Clean and Fair Elections (BERSIH 2.0)
The members of the BERSIH 2.0 Steering Committee are:
Dato’ Ambiga Sreenevasan (Chair), Andrew Khoo, Arul Prakkash, Arumugam K., Dr Farouk Musa, Haris Ibrahim, Liau Kok Fah, Maria Chin Abdullah, Richard Y W Yeoh, Dr Subramaniam Pillay, Dato’ Dr Toh Kin Woon, Dr Wong Chin Huat, Dato’ Yeo Yang Poh dan Zaid Kamaruddin.